Walk across what used to be Hypocrisy served in a wooden cup The valley of the motionless Without any sence of itself He is the one that is the bringer of Hate Hanged up high shall be the creation of impurity known by all And I shall acknowledge its impotence And command him I have seen it dwelleth within Impaling what once was forevermore His burdon shall rest upon all that proclaim disobedience Incestuous lust for plunging down His skeletan Coated with the blood and seemen Of all those that weep for Him and spit on his rotting cocoon while hanging so gracefully He has emergerd from His intoxicated stinking sewar Aching to spread His plague Dictating their fears and awakening their hatred He puked upon the inbred I Will Eat From His Flesh I Will Drink From His Blood I Will Rape The Father's Whore And I Will Beg For More Mirror maze Chase the dream Ignorant fuck Taste my cream Enjoy the carnival Taste the lie Resist His call Be a Judas Kill them all! There can be but little liberty on earth while men worship a tyrant in heaven Can't you see Him raping your wife in the name of the Father? Can't you see He's pleasing Himself on your child? The thirst is unquenchable, bloodsucking bastard Hiding from behind it's theater buried up in desperation Wearing out the souls No more then sins to forgive Seeking shelter in your home He foretells to the automatons the resurrection of Evil He has emergerd from His intoxicated stinking sewar Aching to spread His plague