The little ones With wholesome hearts Look forward in delight To decorating trees In awe of each and every light But as for me it's nothing new A phase I long outgrew Although this time I once held dear I'm not really in the Christmas mood this year The holiday films that they show Where everyone is gay And quarrels with a charm that somehow makes it all okay But families are fickle things And in reality A tenderness is lost is clear So I'm not really in the Christmas mood this year A tenderness is lost is clear So I'm not really in the Christmas mood this year Rain freezes to snow All children grow old And though the new year begins A sweet little dream ends And moving through the motions We can pantomime content Exchanging gift-wrapped tokens Of the money that we spent But repetition makes it hard Not to see right through Our time has come and passed, it's clear So I'm not really in the Christmas mood this year