They opened up a bar called Living Hell Right from the start it didn't go too well They didn't have the vibe or quite the right clientele They bought a velvet rope and the doorman laughed They got robbed blind by half the wait staff Six short weeks and they were forced to sell Richie and Ruben Don't know what they're doin' Richie and Ruben Are both a little out of their minds Don't give them a dime They'll blow through your dough Just like they blew through mine Oh whoa a-whoa-oh-oh Oh whoa a-whoa-oh-oh Where did the money go? Where did the money go? They opened a boutique they called Debris Together with some kid from F.I.T. The latter it turned out never quite got his degree Eleven hundred bucks for a ripped up shirt They came pre-stained with bleach and black dirt Seemed just a little bit too steep to me-e-e, e-ee Richie and Ruben Don't know what they're doin' Richie and Ruben Are both a little out of their minds Don't give them a dime They'll blow through your dough Just like they blew through mine And ever since the seventh grade They've been saying that we've got it made And I still haven't gotten paid Gotten paid at all Oh whoa a-whoa-oh-oh Oh whoa a-whoa-oh-oh Where did the money go? Richie and Ruben Don't know what they're doin' Richie and Ruben Are both a little... They're both a little... They're both a little... Out of their minds