Humbled I feel, when I think of those who paid the ultimate price, who threw of the joke! Defied the whip and laid down their lives of those imprisoned deep in the dungeons of the iron heel. Who stay resolute in the face of despair and never yield! Heroes one and all, martyrs to the cause! Blessed are the bold as long as we live, they will never die-Their spirit lives on! With courage of conviction our fearless warriors have fought to the last and refused to submit! Shirk their duty, divert from their task! I bow my head, but I feel honour and pride for they fought for us against all odds-Our legacy is their fight! Heroes one and all, martyrs to the cause! Blessed are the bold as long as we live, they will never die-Their spirit lives on! On battlefields in unmarked graves, those murdered in our streets, cut down in cold blood. Our heroes live on in you and me! Our battle flags are soaked in the blood of the fallen and the brave who feared no storm and marched head on into the fray! Heroes one and all, martyrs to the cause! Blessed are the bold as long as we live, they will never die-Their spirit lives on!