the storm has settled the ancient sun will rise we obey every your demand the world is tumbeling our god of demise... still you abandon me I have praised the words Taught in your name Worked as your slave Trying to understand These weak words Now show me a sign My knuckles are bloody My knees are week praying I own the simplest of things Dedictated this vain Others that disbeliefed, Were hung by the neck... And were found, With the tounge cut out... Relics all around The isle that should lead to you Studies of the history of mankind Read and write in latin Travelled the world from coast to coast Seen the plauges The blacken the tounge Trying to heal, speaking your words Pray for helf - so that mankind Won`t go under Have I proof of the excistence Believed in the end of the world The one that gave us life Read the printed words... Why have you forsaken me? Lord, why have you forsaken me...? FORSAKEN ME I have no proof of the things I teach are true Disbelief...