I walk through barren corridors glistening With a stench of a promised salvation This sultry wilderness mourns The grieving of a mother's supplication Seraphic overtures inebriated By the suffering of aeons of compromise Here he is legion, heir-apparent to Apollyon's throne Breathing the progeny of all lies [Chorus] Via crucis (The way of the cross) My kingdom has come Arcana lucis (arcane light) Thy will be done A resurrection conjured on altars of impunity Scars of betrayal shrouded in a sanctimonius reliquary Wine-made-incarnate in a chalice of iniquity Graven effigies accolade a deception Enshrined in consanguinity As the twilight sleeps, I hear the resuscitation of a withering womb Christendom weeps, for the child of a virginal prostitution Ascetic icons seep with the blood of dismal martyrdom Subjugator of the meek, the spirit of man fades in the eyes of the distant kingdom Serpent hordes summon the cinnamon king Venerating the vestiges of the lonesome crown Babylon whores writhing in ecstasy Procreating the seven seals of prophecy [Chorus] Via crucis (The way of the cross) My kingdom has come Arcana lucis (arcane light) Thy will be done