These incensed eyes shall tell the eve Of an unrepenting apocraphy Parching my thirst in an enchanted wishing well Veils of an unshed tear dissolved in chronicles of surreality An insatiable swarm of fears they infinitely foretell [Chorus] Misery, my lustful concubine She bleeds with profusion Embodiment of a fallen deity's fears Condemned to spiritual erosion Runic sands of a soliloquy's hourglass Conjure charms of the wise man's mantra As I surge through the eyes of nefarious desires The aegis of mortality melts in the frozen tundra [Chorus] Misery, my lustful concubine She bleeds with profusion Sanctuary for my wounds sublime Born unto an altered state of ethereal seclusion This oneness immemorial heals my rupture In the triad of opposites I meet my sepulchre Sephiroth, daughter of the vampire sun I am one with the foregone leviathan I am forsaken