You've led me towards temptation, guided me the way Now you have forsaken me, left me to die Dedicated my life in vain Downtrodden and forced to the utter darkness Divinity is just a utopia You have dethroned me from my dominion Woven with the strings that choke Chanting my final song of doom Beyond possessed thoughts Approach the gate to your kingdom The transformation is complete You've made me a heretic This life of mine will end in despair All the blood on my hands [Chorus:] Feed my demon Randomized, burned by lies Fear my demon Randomized, buried life, sodomy Feed my demon Randomized, burned by lies Feed my demon Behold all my mist and might Guardian with a scourge Arrival of blight and hearse Silence will redeem my soul Behold all my mist and might Guardian with a scourge Arrival of blight and hearse Silence will redeem my soul Allegiance and covenant I have no scorn I will see my dawn calling wrath and blood I will abase you - obey my lust and rage Impaled by my prophecy With my malice I will engulf you whole [Chorus]