Swarm of seed, risen from abominations Enthroned at the centre of the univeresal chaos Spawned at the sight of those with fear spoken Gathered… To conjure The serpentheaded dormant monarch Majesty... Soul corruptor Sworn scorn Sealed in blood Echoes from the eternal fire Misery… For the enemy!!!! Dormant deity’s infernal heralds of pestilence Your signs are those of havoc and desease!!! And scorn! From breath of inexorable will we rise Absorbing both the born and those concieved!!!! Sermon for bringing our scorn beyond the treshold To devour the frut from the holy womb Victory!!!! We proclaim the fall of flesh! Serpent monarch thy throne bathes in flesh Rejoice in scorn for the glory of heaven is no more…!!! Father… May thy hate summon demise Upon the elements that brought forth all life Inception of ideal dematerialization!! Gathered… To conjure The serpentheaded dormant monarch Majesty... Soul corruptor Sworn scorn Sealed in blood Echoes from the eternal fire Misery… For the enemy!