Dormant spheres of madness, rise! The devoured bonds of the collapsed trinity I hold in my grasp Along with the masters of havoc at my side Obscure abominations appear before my sight I descend into spiritual madness To master the highest forms of scorn Devoure the stars. The creation is impaled Darkness besseages upon archangelic delight Summoning pain for the king of disgrace Behold serpents fire engulfing his sanity! The faith of the sun is foretold in the abyss All kings of that realm vaperized Immolation in blood for the conquered deity’s To reach the depths the source of our might! The breathable air Inevitably desintegrates Asphyxiation! Flesh melts in acid couldrons Starcharts are deforming!!! Chapter of nothing is Carved at the forehead of God Curse we spew in his devoured eye’s Curse we spew in his devoured eye’s From throne set in magma of insanity’s We preach chaos doctrines of genocide! Curse we spew in his devoured eye’s Curse we spew in his devoured eye’s Devoure the stars. The creation is impaled Darkness besseages upon archangelic delight Summoning pain for the king of disgrace Behold serpents fire engulfing his sanity!