Forgotten Woods

My Scars Hold Your Dreams

Forgotten Woods

"Join me", i say beyond the forest 
and the holy lake. 
...."Be mine",i yell 
under the silver stars 
beyond the crimson haze. 
Crawl into my open wounds 
And il show you all your dreams.... 
"Search, and you'll find diamonds in my rosegarden". 
Oh,how neat you dance between the ancient trees 
"...Dance beloved one" I laugh in your dreams. 
Crawl into my open hand, and i'll clench it... 
Far beneath your well of thoughts 
you swim in my wounds.... 
I embrace you with my poisoned blood 
and drag you to your bed of Thorns. 
Eternally, you'll sleep in my rosegarden 
Fear me, and i'll give you claws.