For thousand years we have known . That the day of your reign is coming nearer . And now finally the time is at hand . Finally shall our eternal dream come true. Now shall we see the end of all life . The destruction of this pitiful race . And the judgement day of their so called god . As our dark lord is reigning supreme. We hail you, our dark lord. We hail you, destroyer of worlds. For too long have we waited . Like wolves among the sheep. We hail you, our dark lord. We hail you, destroyer of worlds. The coming of our master . And the destruction of the weak. When the ultimate tormentor . Gets his task fulfilled . Shall there be nothing left . For the meek to inherit We hail you, our dark lord. We hail you, destroyer of worlds. When dark turns light . When day turns night We hail you, our dark lord. We hail you, destroyer of worlds . It´s time for the final battle . Armageddon, arma-fuckin´-geddon.