Sweet revivals of a universe which has too long lived. Trouble now gone, the world is having a new spring. While the korrigans have now disappeared, Deliale, lost within herself, is wandering... Deliale, deliale, deliale, deliale... I don't care if outside the chaos has ceased to be in this pacified reality because today i ignore all this returned." "insanity, insanity, insanity, insanity : is my name!" (but, little by little, the fire of her soul dies out. Her temporally gone madness gone madness (has this madness buried deep inside of her will never leave) unrils a picture as real as it is terrible.) An arm drawing out of a rock; a face hardly visible. A child holding a hand; his gaze; getting empty of all emotion is dying... "you, the father of our child, and you my son i hoped safe. Huskaleil, here you are with an amputed arm. Your body partly melted to a tree, as your father's was a rock. I cannot bear the weight of this vision. My son, i have to end your sufferings which i refuse to sustain..." "insanity, insanity, insanity, insanity... is my name!" "huskaleil !!!"