Shadowed and foreshortened The old man turns his head From his solitary deep trench Where no other men would tread A dungeon of technology Steep walls of jagged stone His post must be so lonely But he chose it to be so A Forbidden sight, a depressed mind, A Barbarous design, the limits of his life Am I to blame? Should I feel ashamed? The guilt of the ones left to dwell on this earth Just a mind game? Or childish seek of fame? The doubt of the ones left to dwell on this earth The future is here - His life ends in sunset of crimson and gold The way is not clear - The paths of our lives haven't been carved in stone Exact and painstaking His war of life is soon fought The red light starts to burn As the nameless horror spoke The entrance to the tunnel Just seems to grow in size The man is caught in darkness Mouth of hell gapes open wide