Travelling along the countryside I pick my prey with ease drive around in my rusty car I know where-you-live-now invade your house I-slit-your-throat-with-ease extinguish cigarrettes, on your soft silky flesh shoot you with a gun, stab you with a knife strangle with a cord, MUTILATE Stab your bowel, pummel your face life snuffed out limp-naked-carcass/dumped-in-a-lake shoot you with a gun, stab you with a knife strangle with a cord, as you slowly DIE sex-with-the-body/cut-up-in-bloody-chunks she wouldn't shut up so I stabbed the CUNT!!! mangled face utters helpless pleas and screams devoid of emotion I stab the womans dead remains broken glass shoved down your throat suffocate forcefully snap your neck in bushes dumped-you're-dead bash you with a club, stab you with a fork choke you with a bag, SUFFOCATE smash your head with a PIPE, fondling your wife stomping your kid, your family is dead