HEIDI: One more kiss before we part, One more kiss and--farewell, Never shall we meet again, Just a kiss and then We break the spell. (Her younger counterpart appears.) One more kiss to melt the heart, One more glimpse of the past. HEIDI and YOUNG HEIDI: One more souvenir of bliss Knowing well that this One must be the last. Dreamt are a sweet mistake. All dreamers must awake. YOUNG HEIDI: On, then, with the dance, No backward glance Or my heart will break. Never look back. HEIDI: Never look back. YOUNG HEIDI: One more kiss before we part. Ah...ah... Not with tears or a sigh. All things beautiful must die. All things beautiful must die. Now that our love is done, Lover, give me... BOTH: ...One More kiss and-goodbye.