My eyes are glazed and fixed on skies Wherein fly ravens fly One-eyed father on your throne up high Know thy son has died Who will recall my name? None will be left to say The tale of the one who now steals away As autumn leafs are born on winds astray To Waellhalle the valkyries call! To Waellhalle my legend doth go! I am immortal, the right hand of Tyr I'll see you my brothers upon thy return to Waellhalle! But here on this night I refuse to lay down my sword, I fight! I fight for a legacy I sing for what cannot yet die A hymn to the gods of starlight And headed for eternity I take to the wing To Waellhalle the valkyries call! To Waellhalle my legend doth go! I am immortal, the right hand of Tyr I'll see you my brothers upon thy return to Waellhalle!