ill be your waiter this evening your wish is my command you lie there like a duchess with your finger in demand in the house of the dyslexic lemme tell you im a spy deceptive and denying but i never tell a lie there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god go i ooh my my in the land of goodnplenty the customer is king hindsights always 2020 and it dont achieve a thing im driving but the brakes are out and the bridge is out atop but it aint the fall that kills you you know its the sudden stop there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god go i there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god im not a crook - i cannot tell a lie there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god go i my oh my been smokin like a chimney i just cant put out this fire garbage blockin all the exits hey,are you callin me a liar? im thru tiptoeing on eggshells chained to the slave majority what doesnt kill you makes you stronger that must make me hercules there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god there but for the grace of god go i my oh my i been turned out of places all over town my smile is a frown turned upside down there but for the grace of god go i i sharpened this pencil with my teeth and fuelled it with grief and disbelief there but for the grace of god go i stied eyes and heavy sighs reluctant thighs and sad goodbyes ther