You say to those who will listen Seek me and you will find me I'm not calling you a liar, but I feel so lost I cant feel you And youre no where to be seen Your voice is all but silent I tell myself that its a test But I dont believe that I'm being honest when I say I don't know where you are Or if there's even anything to find if I were to look for you But something tells me that youre there I couldn't let go if I wanted to You're always on my mind You're ways are constantly the object of my comparison How can you not exist if I can cling to you so But how can you be omnipresent and yet I cant feel you surrounding me I don't know what to do but I need peace And if that comes from You Jesus the one who is said to possess peace that surpasses understanding If your yoke is easy and your burden is light Then my soul needs your rest, my spirit thirsts for something more Your word offers living water and a house with an open door Only of the son of a living and mighty God Will let me know that you are there I am waiting for you Surpass what I have come to know and understand Show me something real I need love