Chorus: I will not bend I will not bow I will not break I'll stand my ground won't be afraid to sing out loud to sing out loud to sing out loud the visions of what's involved the tensions you must resolve distractions will just dissolve YOU ARE NOT LIKE ME he's encountered a setback, he isn't down to let that keep him on the ground. Press that button- ignite the jetpack! launch pad shrink disappear past the brink the atmosphere's thinning and his plasma's tingly planes appear to be birds and birds appear to be bees and he's hearing the words that occur to him for no reason "What are you living your life for what are you willing to die for what do you believe to be the grain of truth you can provide for this grand adventure? Is it your plan to spend your days batted about by these random events? Are you fueled by another engine lighting a fire beneath? Have you breathed and seen your breath in the winds and have you reached that point?" CHORUS you only get to see this earth one time it's axis tilt's it changes climates plates shift weights and continents drift and draft twisted fates and monstrous frictions fragmentations stress and aggravation depression and confusion and bad relations use your imagination elude their categorization whether the crowd gives boos or congratulations the blue's just something you move through toward the vast expanses of space on the universal infinite path to emancipation the gravity of the planet grips you but don't abandon ship you feel the pressures in side can you withstand it? CHORUS the heights you'll reach the depths you'll delve to depends on the propulsion system that propels you methods that compel you messages they sell you punishments they give you for doing what they tell you but we've got passion they've got prisons you've got the freedom to make a decision will you abandon all your addictions take your stand and live your convictions what've you got to lose what've you been taught to chose what're you so hot to prove with your beautiful socks and shoes the costumes' frayed cloth covers skin like a shroud exhaust fumes fade off in the wind like a cloud CHORUS