FTH80:F#C#G#C#; Generated by Fast Tab, do not erase ==================== >From : MEXIPAD134 Bass Performance: CENTERFOLD Comments: : this song of greatest release CD fucking rad, --- Strings: C#,G#,C#,F# Symbols explanations: H: hammer on P: pull off +: slap .: pop \: slide up /: slide down --x~~x~~x: triplets ==================== | q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q h F#-12----14-12----------------------------------------------------------- C#----14-------14-12-12----14-12----------------------------------------- G#----------------------14-------14-12-12----14-12----------------------- C#----------------------------------------14-------14-12-12-12-12-12-14-- > beggining bass solo | q q q h q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q F#----------------------------------------------------------------- C#--7--8--9--------7--8--9--------7--8--9--------7--8--9----------- G#-----------7/-5------------7/-5-----------7/-5------------7------ C#----------------------------------------------------------------- > verse part | q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q F#------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#-----------2--2--0-----------2--2--0-----------2--2--0-----------2--2--0- G#--0--1--2-----------0--1--2-----------0--1--2-----------0--1--2---------- C#------------------------------------------------------------------------- > high hardcore part | q q q q q q h q q q q w q h F#------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#------------------------------------------------------------------------- G#------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#--2--2--0--2--0--2--0--2--2--0--2--0--2--0------------------------------- > low hard core part | q q q q q q q q q q q q h F#------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#------------------------------------------------------------------------- G#------------------------------------------------------------------------- C#--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--3--5--5--5--5--3---------------------------------- > chorus | h h h h h h F#------------------ C#------------------ G#------------------ C#--2--0--2--0--2--0 > "makes you feel right" songs easy, just fun to play. i know my timing is off so get the cd for it. MEXIPAD134