Tom: G Tabbed by: Ben Jamer Email: * This is quite a simple little song, though the timing can be a bit annoying to get Just listen to the song and try to play along, it'll come along. I play it in Standard though I think it might be in Eb... e|----------------------------------| B|---1-1-1-1---1-1-1-1---1-1-1-1----| Intro, and G|---0-0-0-0---0-0-0-0---0-0-0-0----| Bret's Parts D|---2-2-2-2---2-2-2-2---2-2-2-2----| A|--3---3---3-0---0---0-3---3---3-0-| E|----3---3-----3---3-----3---3-----| e|-----------------------| B|---1--1-1-1-1--1-1--1--| G|---0--0-0-0-0--0-0--0--| Jermaine's Parts D|---2--2-2-2-2--2-2--2--| A|---3--3---3-0--0-0--0--| E|--------3--------------| Sometimes they use this instead, though. It's the same thing, just minus a few notes. e|-----------------------| B|---1--1---1------------| G|---0--0-0-0-0--0-0--0--| D|--------2---2--2-2--2--| A|---3--3---3-0--0-0--0--| E|--------3--------------| Finally, just end on this.. e|--8---0--| B|--8---1--| G|--9---0--| D|--10--2--| A|--10--3--| E|--8---3--|