



All I ever wanted was to know the truth/ Seeking 
Jesus at 16 meaning my middle youth/ Man I really 
hungered and had this inner thirst/ Absurd the thought of 
me even missin' a day of church/ Man it felt like heaven, 
especially Bible study/ I had my Bible pen and pad sittin' 
next to my buddies/ the Word had us open especially 
certain verses/ spendin' hours in worship man it just felt so 
perfect/ and then after the service out on the parking lot/ 
laughin' and rappin' for hours afterwards we talked a lot/ 
felt like your second family for me felt like my first/ we lost 
our ties when my grandmother died I kept in hurt/ 
remember certain ministers inspired you to learn/ you had 
anxiety inside and just waitin' your turn/ people announce 
they callin' jumpin' and shoutin'/ that dun dunt dun dunt it 
was so arousin'

Give us the truth that's what we need/ lying leaders 
been deceivin' us since we were seeds/ Give us the truth 
that's what we need/ Teachers and preachers teach us the 
things that set us free/ Give us the truth that's what we 
need/ Parents teach us bout Jesus before we get older/ 
Give us the truth that's what we need/ Sin is spreading and 
the world is getting colder

Then that first year progressed and turned into 
five/ learning so much and I'm comin' in touch closer with 
God/ some things were gettin' sticky I mean real sticky/ I'm 
trippin' I'm wonderin' was Jesus even really with me/ Man 
I felt numb meanin' I lost my feelin'/ People standin', 
dancin', liftin' hands while I was chillin'/ no longer loved 
the sermons felt like I wasn't learnin'/ the topics taught on 
weren't touchin' my inner yearnings/ and then some 
behavior seemed like counterfeit revival/ I looked for 
Scriptures that supported this off in the Bible/ yet I couldn't 
find it I felt blinded/ I thought it was a demon in error I tried 
to bind it/ but nothin' happened here comes depression 
maybe when they threw the Holy Spirit that I didn't catch 
Him/ did I miss my blessin'? Felt unprotected/ in the midst 
of a war scarred without my weapon 

Then I left St. Louis on a tour with Cross 
Movement/ and who would have knew it these dudes have 
also been through it/ I shared my brokenness feelings of 
hopelessness/ for so long faked my emotions no one even 
noticed it/ yet it was obvious God in His providence/ put me 
with people to guide me and got me outta this/ and then my 
other brother T.R.U.T.H. began to share the same/ I almost 
wept I saw the steps it took to bear the name/ without truth 
left me in utter confusion, without truth left me with subtle 
delusions, without truth no longer fought to win/ without 
truth drove me back into sin/ the depth of this journey can't 
be described in words/ this is just the tip of the iceberg/ but 
from now until my death this is what I'll do/ I'm learning 
standing and I'll fight for truth