Harassed for the hate for to kill the traitor. To the violator of the trust I will administer him my justice: I will force him to kneel down and his to request pardon (but I won't forgive him), I will aim him with a arms in his eyes until his chest explodes loudly, until mind is paralyzed and from all his body sprout as a birth of water his rotten fluids. I will be witness of how will stop his breathing, of how his face will become blue or perhaps green, I will be the only witness of his iniquitous moment - the finish. I will shit in his blood hot I will spread his meat and I will walk on it, I will separate his head, I will look his face and I will laugh in the mouth of it what was my enemy Hostigado por el odio para matar al traidor...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Al violador de la confianza le administrare mi justicia: Le obligare a arrodillarse y a pedir perdón (mas no lo perdonare), Le apuntare con un arma en sus ojos hasta que su pecho explote a gritos, Hasta que su mente quede paralítica y de todo su cuerpo broten como un nacimiento de agua sus fluidos mas putrefactos. Seré testigo de cómo se detendrá su respiración, De cómo su cara se pondrá azul o tal vez verde, Seré el único testigo de su momento inicuo - el ultimo Me cagare en su sangre aun caliente Esparciré su carne y caminare sobre ella, Separare su cabeza, mirare su cara y reire en la boca de lo que era mi enemigo.