Tom: D This song is pretty cool, major chick magnet too. Anyways, I'm pretty sure this is how Brad plays it, so good luck, it's not that hard. Capo: 2nd Fret Intro: e|------------------------------------| |---------3-------3-------3----------| |---(0)--0----0--0----0--0---0--0----| 2x |------2--------2-------2------2-----| |-3----------------------------------| E|------------------------------------| Verse 1: Baby... Strum these chords, just listen it's an easy pattern... |-0-0-0-| |-0-0-| On this part strum the 033200 part then hammer on extra |-3---3-|x3 |-3-3-| finger for the 033210 part fluidly through your strum, |-3---3-| |-3-3-| listen, and you'll know, also try to focus your strum |-2---2-| |-2-2-| on the bottom strings. |-0---0-| |-0h1-| |-0---0-| |-0-0-| Chorus and Verse 2: Speed up the strumming tempo and throw some palm mutes in, go through a progression this... A B C D |-0-| |-0-| |-0-| |-0-| |-3-| |-3-| |-2-| |-2-| |-3-| |-3-| |-2-| |-2-| |-2-| |-2-| |-0-| |-0-| |-0-| |-1-| |-0-| |-1-| |-0-| |-0-| |-0-| |-0-| Strum part A, then palm mute, strum again and shift to part B, then palm mute, then to part C and do the same thing with D. Solo: The Solo is just improvisational strumming with the same chords, so do what you want it, or try to listen for the exact strum. End on C |-0-| |-3-| |-3-| |-2-| |-0-| |-x-|