See jehovah is coming with fire and his chariots are like awhirlwind He will bring down his anger with fury and is rebuke with flames of fire For with fire and with his sword jehovah will execute judgement upon all men and many will be those slain by jehovah Jehovah is angry with all nations, his wrath is upon all their armies He will totally destroy them He will give them over to slaughter Their slain will be thrown out, their dead bodies will send up a stench The mountains will be soakedwith their blood My sword has drunk the blood of goats For jehovah has asacrifice and a great slaughter For jehovah has day of vengeance to uphold zion's cause I, jehovah have drawn my sword from its scabbard it will not return again A sword sharpened and polished for the slaughter It is a sword for slaughter, a sword for great slaughter A curse on him who keeps his sword from bloodshed A curse on him who keeps his sword from slaughter