Fiona Apple

Sullen Girl

Fiona Apple

Tom: C

Intro: Em Dm G9 F(add9)  

Verse: Em         Dm              G9        F(add9) 
          Days... I don't know... All day   and all night 
       Em             Dm             G9        F(add9) 
          I wander... halls along... breath... fuel to take... 

Chorus: Am                 F 
           And there's...  going on... 
        Dm7   F6        Am7      G9 
        calm  under the waves... blue of my... 
        Dm7   F6           Am7         G9 
              under the...   waves...  blue of my... 
        Em  Esus   Em                 Dm       G9 
                      Is that why...  call me    a sullen girl, 
        sullen girl 
Bridge: Em             Dm        G 
          They dont... I used... tranquil sea 
        F(add9)  Em          Dm           G9            F(add9) 
                  But he... me ashore...   and he took my... 
        Em   Dm             G9            
               and left...    shell   of me