
The Awakening


The winter is coming 
The nature seems to fall asleep 
But life is lasting somewhere deep 
The rivers are frozen 
By wicked winter's chilling breath 
It looks like kingdom of the death 

Our culture resembles 
The autumn tree without leaves 
Our gods die without our belief 
But I know that someday 
The Aryan culture will revive 
It'll be the best day of my life 

Wake up the Aryan gods 
Wake up and show your guys 
The jewish clouds will disperse from Aryan sky 
Our culture will revive 
Great Nation will survive 
And zionism at last will die 

There is a lot of people 
Who won't submissively exist 
They'll get together to resist 
Rebellion will break out 
Z.O.G. will be overthrown 
And we shall dance on their bones 

The winter isn't endless 
And warm spring days will come again 
Young trees will grow under rain 
The flowers will blossom 
And birds forever will return 
New world of freedom will be born