Start looking for the numbers, Oh, you'll see them everywhere Because you were looking Hardwired esotere The devil's in the details Oh, just revel in the retail Of your soul in the bowl of ages The devil's in the details The only thing to do is press on now The only thing to do is move forward Make it a used man's new mantra Make it a keychain in your shoe The city behind is in ruins But every now and then the cold compels a return To scan for signs of life Trapped 'neath the burning timber Pleased to look you in the shot eye But these homes have a heart Decked with flags in the lounge To retain you When the hooks are a little loose And it's getting no answer Looking out on the same hail as when I saw you Looking out on the same hail, I wish I'd never met you But whether or not I'd met you Whether or not Yes sir, my fault, so it is I know, I know, so it is But these homes have a heart Decked with flags in the lounge To retain you When the hooks are a little loose And it's getting no answer