Behold, she is coming with the clouds And going with the wind. She tears down the walls of heaven And brings us maladies. All the tribes of the earth kneel before her And speak her name with grace. She haunts the earthly palace And takes us in her arms. I have the keys of life and death. I am the monarch of the seven stars. I scatter the storms all over the world. I bring the sun into your hearts. Behold, she is coming like a thief With a mouth full of honey & blood. She casts down the clouds of sorrow The wicked fall under her strength. She will give freely to him who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life. Like a tree planted by the streams of water That brings forth its fruits of joy. The skies - are ashen and cold The nights have unfold The wings of the plagues. So call - the sweet memories And save the green leaves From the grip of the cold. Whose leaf also does not wither. Whatever she does shall prosper.