He stands at shore alone as the wind blew from the east and breathes the salty air. He wandered lonely as a cloud floating through her breast of what has happened unaware. As he died six years ago by an incurable mysterious disease he was just about to merry his sweet young bride on white linen he rest by funeral bells "Our love will never cease!" He gazed as he drifted with tide. Wavecrest…with night tide we ride Wavecrest…guide us through the storm Wavecrest…to a land beyond the horizon Each day she went to his grave to the cemetery by the sea. And laid a rose down at his stone he was watching her face through the mud heard her lament and plea through a maggot veil in silence alone. Each day the sea eats a piece of the land until his grave will tumble and fall. Each night the storm erodes the reef until their wedding day will come… where tombstones stand wild and tall.