Fiendish Nymph

The Sibyl of Elikona

Fiendish Nymph

the first sibyl, sacred priestess 
of the oracles 
raised by the grace of the muses 
on the mount of helicon 
the sibyl of elikona 
the ancient seeress announces 
the prophecies 
the enigmatic answers 
of dark magica meaning 
the sibyl of elikona 
the ancient seeress announces 
the prophecies ricites dark 
invocations of magical meaning 
ascends the mantic tripod, wears 
on golden jewelry, shews on the 
old laurel, sunk in ecstacy 
foretells, crying out loud screams 
oracles of the curse 
the ancient sibyl 
the priestess of oracles 
the ancient seeress of mystical 