Fiamma Fumana


Fiamma Fumana

Greeks Celts Carthagenians Romans Longobards Arabs Africans 
Swabians Normans Slavs Gypsies Jews 
Provençals Austrians Aragonese imperial Germans Bourbon Frenchmen 
Moors Spaniards Albaninas Lybians Eritreans 

(Fiamma) Kind land of green hills and lakes 
Let me stay here with you 
I have left the mountains and the great woods in the North 
I'll be your daughter from now on 

(Tonj) Land looking out to the sun and the high mountains 
Let me stay here with you 
I left troubles and loves on the other side of mountains and sea 
I'll be your son from now on 

Mixedblood is the blood of our fathers 
And of the fathers of our fathers 
And of the fathers of the fathers of our fathers 

(Fiamma) Kind land a man has come from the sea 
Make him stay here with me 
He has salt on his skin, a foreign language on his lips 
He has come and he'll be mine 

(Tonj) Land full of flowers, I found a clear-eyed one 
Make me sit here with her 
She gives warmth, her hair like fire 
I have found her and she'll be mine 

I left troubles and loves… hot and burnt by the sun 
Mixedblood is the blood of our fathers