Fetal Attraction

Uncommon Rejection

Fetal Attraction

Ripping, Tearing. Eating you 
blood stained bark 
hearts stabbing through 

stars beam down 
on this night 
while the children scream and fight 

one child stands by fear 
holding its hand 
watching death walk near 

killing each child with his mind 
seeking redemption 
no one's ever kind 

as he moves 
the shadows grow 
uncertain recollection 
uncommon rejection 

One child stands by fear 
holding its hand 
watches death walk near 

Everyone screaming 
holding their heads 
forced tears like a spring flow 

every sorrowful, mournful cry 
brings no one closer to the time they die 
you cant reach and grab it 
it cant be taken 
only the unfamiliar 
uncommon rejection