To Be Torn Apart If thou are bold and pure of heart Come down here and be torn apart Does my being amuse you? All to my dismay - I think I do! Don't feed my fucking fuse Try to chest to chest me - you'll loose I'm sick of your excuses - but I know Torture and pain will make you learn My darkest desires A teardrop I let fall in your eye This is a way of saying goodbye Equipped with unfathomable hate Relentlessly I'll take You down - 'cause you've played your role Rip you up and stick your shit on a pole Waiting to exhale Your face so repulsingly pale No more of your fucking/ oppressing shit Here - grasp (!) your head and split HAHA - you stupid bitch! You didn't mean more than an itch! Think that's enough love from me? Fuck off and let me be! Die by my sword! You weren't my lord! You mistook me for a fool! You thought I was your tool!