Inhale The Vapours No one can save you You have the vopours It's time to Pay up (music) Your soul decided to make a deal I bet you thought the envelope was sealed did you ever think the truth would be revealed as if you didnt know what you had done now feel a linger in your lungs (your lungs, your lungs) when you think about it have you really won Inhale The Vapours No one can save you you have the vopours it's time to Pay up Betch'u did a dirty little thing but lately tricks are playing with ur brain had they found out insane insane insane can u feel it now sinking in ur skin they told me all about ur little sin (ur sin, ur sin) thought they wouldnt find out and u'd win Inhale The Vapours No one can save you you have the vopours its time to Pay up (guitar) vapours you have vapours vapoouurrsss you have vapours your soul decided to make a deal i bet you thought the envelope was sealed did you ever think the truth would be revealed? (guitar) inhale the vapours give you the vapours inhale the vapours inhale the vapours Inhale The Vapours No one can save you you have the vopours its time to Pay up