I just brushed my teeth You know what that means A mouth full of foam And Im staring at me Im singing in your voice Ive been practicing Hoping one day To hear the real thing And maybe, youd actually stand next to me And spit on the back of my neck While Im leaning, in the sink And youd laugh at me while I kiss your cheek If youd let me (regular) If youd let me (falsetto) Now we have a plan You giggled in your hands You try to convince me That the sounds in the trees And footsteps in the woods Are monsters up to no good Ill take first watch If you promise youll sleep Next to me, so I can learn your face With my hand, just in case We never meet again At least Ill have this memory If youd let me (hold out) If youd let me (high) Im working on the floor Of our majestic tree fort You know... The one where we live Away from everyone else If were gonna keep them out We should find a taller tree Move to the top Where no one can see Well need thicker walls And permanent guard But for now its your turn to watch And its my turn to sleep Then it hit me, this whole time Ive been asleep And you, were never even Next to me, it was just a dream So Ill stay asleep and meet you in dreams If youd let me