I'm not one of the faithful I've only come for your wine And I'd give my soul For an endless cup Show me where to sign The preacher grew horns His head like a goat He passed me the cup And the wine flowed like blood As it poured down my throat For your mortal soul This cup that never goes empty I slaughter the flock And the blood flowed like wine And I slash my own neck Into a crooked smile From ear to ear Down my chest And the blood flowed like wine Until I was dry Well, the joke is on you I've seen all of my life I've lied And robbed and cheated And butchered my wife So I'll drink from this cup And soon I'll be lit But the wine flowed like blood Through the hole That I cut in my neck I've reaped what I sowed So this is my lot And I'm given the curse Of an unbending thirst But can't quench my desire So the joke is on me The emptiness is mine My body's a cup That can't hold a soul A wither old fire And the blood flow through the aisles of the church And the souls filled the steeple They opened the doors And the blood flowed like wine From all the dead people