As the emerald fields are laid to waste And the morning dew is soiled with dust No birds spread their wings no more All silent now are the cannons of war The havoc has ceased, all still and at peace The bombardment has stopped and the last bomb dropped All grenades detonated and the last living desecrated Guns emptied to the last round, a world finally undone No mourners gathered, not a single tear shed No graves dug, none to bury the dead The great crescendo, the last verse absurd Obliteration... a world's bloody rebirth And hope is a vessel, left port ages ago Far of to sea we gather, though we will never know We pray for her return, but all gods are gone Chants remain unheard, and of hope we will see none The decline was for all to see Riots in every city Chaos in every street Economies collapsing Nations to their knees The facades were breaking down Glass walls splintered inch by inch The shards reflecting the setting sun Then they all came tumbling down Under the burning skies... People gathered and leaders lied... Gigantic armies assembled Grand colossal clashes Fire consumed them all Nations burnt to ashes... The dead litter the face of the world, And everywhere a battlefield And hope is a vessel, left port ages ago Far of to sea we gather, though we will never know We pray for her return, but all the gods are gone Chants remain unheard, and of hope we will see none This is the bleaker season The bitter fall... Of lifting smoke and fading hopes... Hope...