Fear Factory


Fear Factory

Tuning 5-string: G D A (E B) --> (D A) So Tune your E and B one step lower
tabbed By: ClosedRoad

G ----------------------|
D ----------------------|
A ----------------------|
D ----------------------| 8x
A -010-00-010-44444444--|

Pre Verse
G -----------------------|
D -----------------------|
A -----------------------|
D -----------------------|
A -33-333-333-3-4444444--|

Some guitar sounds

G -----------------------------------|
D -----------------------------------|
A -----------------------------------|
D -----------------------------------| 4x
A -333-333-333-333-333-333-333-4444--|

REST for a couple of seconds

G ---------------------------------|
D ---------------------------------|
A ---------------------------------|
D ----55-44-----------55-44--------|
A -00-------55-53--00-------55-53--|

G ---------------------------------------|
D ---------------------------------------|
A ---------------------------------------|
D ----55-44-----------55-44--------------|
A -00-------55-53--00-------55-53-32-21--|

After Chorus
G ------------------|
D ------------------|
A ------------------|
D ------------------| 2x
A -010-00-010-4101--|

verse  4x
Chorus 1x
Intro 8x
Chorus 1x but don't play the last 4 notes
Chorus 1x but at the second riff listen for perfect timing

G --------------|
D --------------|
A --------------|
D --------------|
A -55-53-32-21--|

That's It Have Fun
I only tuned down my E and B because I didn't feel like tuning down
my wole Bass
Greetings CLosedRoad