The angels hair is tangled between my finger tips On sudden shame I pulled her body to the floor She sang a throat song chorus of "I love you" She sang a throat chorus You look so clean but your dressed to fit this scene innocence??? Innocence??? (my mouth peels back in laughter) You are a virgin, you are a taken liar The angels hair is hanging on to stretched and fraying skin In quiet defeat I dragged her body to my bed She hums a throat song chorus of "I love you" She spits up verse s but the words get lost in exhaustion You look so pretty with my skin touching yours You've only got eyes for me now. You've only got time for me now. You've only got eyes for me now and you know how blind I am without you The angels hair is cutting lines across her cheeks With all my strength I make her love me She tastes like summer and smells like romance She breathes no throat song chorus but I move her lips to form the words "I love you" I taste her lips and I know she loves me