I woke up way too early uh oh, the telephone It's my lady calling sayin'"Babe I'm so alone Why dontcha come on over I just got to see your face I really miss you baby where ya been all these days Ï said "Baby just a minute I'll be there to hold you tight She said "It'd better be a minute cuz I couldn't stand to wait" So up, shower, a dab of brillantine The 'hey good-looking gonna see my girl' routine Gonna see my girl I got out my bicycle rode all the way uphill Big truck up ahead of me who's load begain to spill A man who walked his dog got hit, fel down in front of me The bike wrapped around him, the dog, and me The dog spied a cat and dragged us down an alleyway I heard a shot and doggie ran away Ran away This is trouble city I have got myself into Somebody is coming and me I cannot move A big man with a golden tooth is brandishing his gun He sez "I was waiting for two Chinamen but you've spoiled the fun I didn't mean to shoot, but you've forced me to, Man it was in selfdefence I mean what can you do" What can you do I didn't have n answer I just didn't wanna stay When the man who walked his dog, turned to me to say "This is all your fault you know, you're going have to pay" I'd struggled free and I say "Well, I must be on my way You can keep the bicycle it colours with your face Good luck with the Chinamen and now I gotta race" Gotta race I'm running, I'm running, she doesn't wanna wait Already I have lost a lotta time and I mustn't be late I ran all the way to her house I was all down and out I rang the bell and she said "Well, what is this all about? You said you'd be a minute, it's taken you an hour! You are always late, I can't take it anymore" Can't take it anymore And now I sit here in my room I dunno what to do My bicycle is total loss, my babe and I are through I pick up my guitar and I play the blues Mrs. next-door neighbour who is heavy into booze Breaks an empty bottle as she bangs it on the wall Her husband shouting through the building this is all my fault Don't anybody like me? Anyone at all D-d-d-don't anybody like me? Anyone at all Why doesn't anybody like me? Anyone at all Aha Why doesn't anybody like me? Anyone at all Mmm Don't anybody like me?, what's wrong with me? Why me?