I walk through endless darkness and finally see what I haven't seen before. I watch these walls and sense those reflections. So charming' painted with charcoal black and faith. Guiding and lighting my way. (These tunnels lead to the Amenta and forevermore deeper.) All signs are given and insight for matter. My path is not a lie. My path is a truth itself. The sound of tears, the sound of melancholy is reaching the end. And echoes from taken steps fading on behind, with depression and joy. I look forth feeling brightness'in darkness. I am with fallen one, I´m fallen. Nämä sanat kumpuavat s rinnastani. Jokainen sana on tynn kuolemaa ja jumallisuutta. Mikään maallisuus ei vastaa niiden todellisuutta. Howling in the night. Conjuring in the night. Drink for life, drink for Him I look my back and see nothing but hopeless void No light, no life Dusting walls only fading from me to the horizon All the carvings, all the paintings So much inside, so much to tell But nothing for mortal minds on tulen Joka palaa mustana ja raivokkaana Missia verenpisarat ovat kuolleet seen uudelleen