Tom: A E7 F#m E7 A6 G#7 A6 Bm7/5- Cdim A AM7 F#7 When whippoorwills call and eve - ning is nigh, A6 A Bm7/5- E7/6 A9 A Edim E7 I hurry to my Blue Hea - ven. E7 F#m E7 A6 G#7 A6 Bm7/5- Cdim A AM7 F#7 A turn to the right, a lit - tle white light, A6 A Bm7/5- E7/6 A9 A D9 A Will lead me to my Blue Hea - ven. AM7 A7 D DM7 D6 F#7 Bm Bm7/E I'll see a smiling face, a fireplace, a cozy room, Bm7/5- E7 Bm7/5- E7 A Edim E7 A lit - tle nest that nes - tles where the ro - ses bloom; E7 F#m E7 A6 G#7 A6 Bm7/5- Cdim A AM7 F#7 Just Molly and me, and ba - by makes three, A6 A Bm7/5- E7/6 A9 A D9 A We're happy in my Blue Hea - ven.