Your world is not fair with you, you are like a slave in small cage People that surround you every time long for cause you damage I feel your pain! It's so tormently, I know what experience you now All what I need from you, just one word, tell me it loud Say just "Yes"! And you will be most happy man in my world! I'll make conditions for life, but something holds you in your world My world is so fair with you, there us no any envy and lie Take my hand and come with me, you'll be better it is my desire But what I see! You shake your head from side to side, you tell "No" again Why you don't want to stay with me - with your master in world of daydreams? Pray your GOD! But "no" - is the answer, he doesn't pay attention on you! I can solve your problems at once, but you turn to me your back! Tell me why do you want to go from me I'm your time, you're not without me So break your pride, and reach out your hand Come together, you'll be like infant Without problems, without experience, without failures, without troubles You'll live like emperor in your perfect palace But choose the life in your native world! Pray your GOD! But "no" - is the answer, he doesn't pay attention on you! I can solve your problems at once, but you turn to me your back! Turn your back!