Dark room, I'm alone, just darkness nothing else Feelings are like stone, it nothing inform me Only fear creeps, it wants to seize me I struggle with it but it's stronger than I Cold comes, covers me, I'm already like ice Pain leak es inside me, destroys all cells of me I'm turn into rock that crumbs on small-sized parts Oh God tell me what the hell is going with me! Over and over it happens with and I cry into blind emptiness These sounds, these mounds that come from the nowhere Make feel myself under the press I can't run from, from my fears, from my pain, from my tears I have to struggle with all negatives 'Cause I haven't another way to avoid this Over and over it happens with and I cry into blind emptiness These sounds, these mounds that come from the nowhere Make feel myself under the press I wait for sun ray My force - this is my way I must to disperse Cause I've no patience else Desicion - isn't escape Desicion is solve all of them My mind is with myself I want to find exit from dark room!