You've been as close to the edge as you can be Voice comes on and says 'Why aren't you happy?' 'I've been on the earth for twenty-nine years And haven't found what I should do with my life.' Man comes on the screen and he asks boldly 'Does it make you sad to be so lonely?' 'I think I know what life's about Yet never have I had a chance to find out what went wrong.' The light's on you, tell us the story of your life The light's on you, tell us even if you don't feel right about The things you've done Tell us why you're on the run The light's on you, tell us the story of your life Silence fills the room, the air turns sour Think to yourself, it's been almost an hour How can I say just how I feel When I've been taught to hide the things that come from inside?' Who can we steal today Who can we use today To put in front of us to cover up ourselves And keep it all safe inside You sense the fact that the ordeal is over You feel the cross being lifted off your shoulder 'The end of the beginning And I think that I'm about to see the start of something new.. '