Fantastic Plastic Machine

Honolulu, Calcutta

Fantastic Plastic Machine

J'entends le commandant, 
le decollage approache 
I can hear the inflight announcement 
It's time to take off 
J'embarque pour cette terre 
de tous les reves 
Let us board on a wonderful flight 
to the land of delight 
Afin de fuer ce quotidien sie morne. 
Let's get away from here, 
escape from this dull reality 
J'ai tant attendu que ce moment vienne. 
I've been longing for this moment 
Ce jet vole, emportant tous mes espoirs 
The jet flies, carrying my hopes inside 
Ce jet vole, laissant mon desespoir 
The jet flies, leaving his despair behind 
Pour un meilleur futur, 
je pourrais tout sacrifier 
I could sacrifice anything 
for wonderful future 
C'est bizarre, le ciel est si bleu, 
et mon coeur, reste sombre. 
So why do I continue to sigh, 
despite the clear blue sky 
Mon corps est a 20,000 metres 
au-dessus de la terre, 
Althought I'm 20,000 meters high 
above the earth 
et mon ceour, lui yest reste' 
I know I've left my heart behind 
Ce jet vole, emportant tous mes espoirs
The jet flies, carrying my hopes inside 
Ce jet vole, laissant mon desespoir 
The jet flies, leaving his despair behind 
Angoisse et espoir 

Angst and Anticipation 

Regret et decision 

Lingering and decision 
Passe et futur 
Past and future 

Honolulu, Calcutta 
Honolulu, Calcutta 
J'eteins al lumiere et renverse le siege, 

Turn off the reading light 
and recline the seat 

L'hotesse m'offre une couverture, 

Relax beneath the blanket 
from the smiling stewardess 

Je devrais dormir et tout oublier 
Let's forget about the whole thing 
sleep tight until tomorrow 
Demain, une nouvelle vie commencera. 

'cause tomorrow a whole new life begins 
Ce jet vole, emportant tous mes espoirs 
The jet flies, carrying my hopes inside 
Ce jet vole, laissant mon desespoir 
The jet flies, leaving his despair behind 
Angoisse et espoir 
Angst and Anticipation 
Regret et decision 
Lingering and decision 
Passe et futur 
Past and future 
Honolulu, Calcutta 
Honolulu, Calcutta 
Je me reveille dans ce lit 
que je connais tant. 
When I opened my eyes, 
I found myself in the same old bed 
Il est-la, lui, a mes cote's, endormi. 
My loved one was sound asleep, 
curled beside me wrapped up deep 
N'estait-ce qu'un reve, qu'une illusion? 
Was I only dreaming? 
Was it just illusion? 
Non, ce n'est pas vrai, je n'y crois pas! 
No, it's not true. 
I don't believe this!