We have thrived in Places not fit for life nor the living We will carry on Bringing our curse where we wish The death of significance Worship oversight Fabricate answers to volatile questions Shelter your gains and show to them reverence This is the world we preserve This is how we would have it I can not find any beauty In our sightless ambitions I am through with forgiveness For our unseeing I will not feel any sorrow By the crumbling of towers Raised from the earth in arrogance Cleaving the welkin Piercing the heavens When we've choked our convictions And we've acknowledged with certainty That vacant and quickening darkness Living in all human hearts When at last it's unbearable And no contrivance can remedy On that day you'll have to shed your old skin Take what you need and depart I will leave this place I will leave this harrowing place for another I will not be returning Alone now In the purity of isolation My breath a thin smoke on the air Flickering shadows dance across my few belongings May your only truths betray you May your fires die