Faith And The Muse

Scars Flown Proud

Faith And The Muse

We Are The Inheritors: The Evidence of Heaven 
Descendants of a Legacy gone but not Forgotten 
We Are The Inheritors of the Grand Persuasion 
Descendants of its Masquerade Numb but not Defeated 

Welcome to the silent war, to the world we never hoped to gain 
The great Disguise Wandering between two realms, 
One dead the other rarely dwells beyond our eyesLest we be sorely recognized 

What little good intentions seem 
But obviate the bloom of self esteem We'll save our prayers 
Inured to wounds from bleeding minds Where Wisdom dares not mix with Time Never Fear 
They'll age they'll change they'll disappear 

In every dance no steps are placed And every path mistakes are made 
And if all paths lead but to the grave Then let us dance along our way 

Gliding from room to room all cast in celebrated gloom With no where yet to rest our head
Waiting for a door to open from within and bring us home Lest we possess our souls again 

You Are A Wonder And I Will Sing Your Praise